Saturday, April 12, 2008

April 12 - She Remembers The Roses

She sips her coffee and looks out
the window where leaves are drifting
down the trees and the weather
is just starting to bite the bones.

She remembers the red roses
in the garden and the bouquet
he gave her, when life
was always spring and summer.

Sometimes, the sun was hot on their skin;
sometimes, the wind cooled them down.
But their passion was strong, and the night
always brought them together again.

But nights grew cold and petals fell
and rain could be negative even in spring.
Their days became tedious,
toiling one behind another.

She remembers trying to know
how a rose, fragrant and vibrant,
can be bred black and how anyone
would want that to happen.

She looks at her garden; the lime tree
had died and someone had planted
black roses. She knows
it will never be the same again.

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