Monday, April 30, 2007


We will dance on the cold pebbles
beside the lake where ripples
of clear blue water will tickle our feet,
where wisp of autumn air will thread
our hair and make us giggle like children,
and where dragons can turn into butterflies.

When dusk casts long shadows
across the garden, we will sit
with the chrysanthemums
and brew tea. We will read
our favourite poems to each other
and try to outwit one another
with stories, tall or short,
rhymed or unrhymed,
with or without meter,
until the last bits of light
seep into the air

Then, we shall have a feast together.
You will make some spaghetti
and crème brulee while
I fry some chow mein
and bake egg custard tarts.
We will savour dinner slowly
so that we can remember
every word we spent together,
every pixel dotted on paper,
until they’re chiseled
into our memories.

Autumn's NaPoWriMo Thread at PFFA

I want to add my thanks to David for his comments on my NaPo thread at PFFA. I had pm him earlier but had not posted my thanks in the thread because I did not want to pull it up again then. So, thanks David for the wonderful comments you left on the thread.

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