Sunday, April 29, 2007


Last night’s migraine stayed in my dreams
and I woke up with veins throbbing
like they were dancing to the beats
of some heavy metal band. I closed
my eyes to shut out the thread of light
that has escaped through the drawn curtains
and that was beaming like a spotlight on a soprano.

Something soft brushed across
my forehead and I tried to struggle
out of sleep. The smell of your cologne
and the aroma of my favourite
char siu rice filled the room. I smiled.

My eyes took in the flickering light
of candles softly licking the walls
of the room. You hugged me close
as your thumbs on my temples
massaged the pain away, until
somewhere a doorbell rang,
louder and louder, until
the doorbell became mine, until
your body was no longer against mine,

until I opened my eyes and realized
that lunch was never here.

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